We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

We have arms! And legs! And a head!

So, this is ultrasound #2. Ultrasound #1 wasn't really postworthy, really just a little squiggle. As you can see we have arms, and if you squint you can see legs. I can see them on the actual picture I have at home. C calls it "our peanut in an egg".
I'm finally starting to feel slightly better, or as others say, I'm learning to manage the nausea. I find I have to sleep at least 10 hrs to make it easier in the morning, so I'm going to bed at the same time as C right now. I've also finally trained myself to eat first thing when I got up... that was a battle and a half with my body. So now I find if I "graze" throughout the day, it isn't too bad.
I managed to go out for dinner with the family and P&B for S's birthday yesterday and made it through dinner without feeling too ill.
I can still do up my pants (at least until I get home from work - then it's nice to undo them) for the time being. I went looking at maternity jeans at Old Navy, what the hell is it with everything being low-rise? C'mon people, women over 30 don't want to leave everything hanging out anymore! And well, if they do, chances are they shouldn't be doin it. So I guess for now I'll stay in my own jeans until I can't get 'em on anymore, and also wearin sweatpants around the house.
Other than that, Christmas is kinda not going the way I wanted it to this year. I've just been too sick to do anything. I usually put my tree up the first weekend of December. It finally got put together yesterday. I also usually have my shopping done, my gifts wrapped... well my shopping's mostly done, C&M need to get out and do theirs, I haven't wrapped a single thing. I try not to let it get me down, cause I know I have this baby growing who kind of needs my energy more than my, but it is frustrating. My house is a mess, I'm behind on laundry, I haven't been able to play WoW in weeks for more than an hour at a time.
Ok, now I've dissolved into whining... time to get back to work!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Morning/All day sickness


This is how annoyed I am with it. (sigh) At least I'm not puking. Just CONSTANTLY nautious. (Is that how you spell it? it doesn't look right).

Friday, December 01, 2006

Apparently my cervix is easily pissed off

Warning: Contains graphic girl information

Yeah, there's a topic. To follow my most recent day of panic.

Wednesday I had a little bit of "color" on the tp. Thursday it was more, enough to wear a pad to work. Of course, I go into panic mode, c'mon you're not supposed to be bleeding when you're pregnant, that's one of the bonuses! At least this wasn't red, it was brown, so therefor "old blood". I still called capital health to hope that they could calm me down, and while she was a bit reassuring (do you have cramps? no? ok that's good) she still told me to go to my doc within 72 hrs, which might be the standard response I hear. So I get into work and immediately at 9 call my doc. Luckily he can see me at 4:15.

So I stew all day yesterday, paranoid every time I go to the bathroom (which is getting more often since I'm supposed to drink 64oz of water a day and I'm not used to it). The "bleeding" seemed to be slowing down throughout the day. By the time I got to the doc it wasn't bad at all.

He did a "mini-internal", took some swabs to rule out infections, and said he saw some blood on the outside of my cervix. Now I've been told before that I have a "fragile cervix" 'cause after my annual exams I generally have bleeding. Also, if I walk for prolonged periods of time (>2hrs) I tend to have some bleeding. So maybe all I did is move/stretch/slip wrong and it got mad again and burst a capillary? I hope that's all it is. No calls from the doc so I'm guessing no infection. Good.

'course he did warn me, that the exam was going to make me bleed again... and yup there's more brown. Hoping it tapers off (seems to be a bit) over the weekend. He's going to do a pap on monday at my prenatal which is gonna fire it up all over again, but at least if we know that my cervix is as emotional as I am right now we can compensate for it.

Anyways, for all you (1 person) who reads this blog, cross your fingers for me that things are all ok. I'm still a bit on edge. Man, I need to figure a way to relax.