We're pregnant!


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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mixed feelings

So now it's out there. Guess I need to post more eh?

This week has definately begun to have some queeziness... If it stays at this point for "morning sickness" it won't be too bad. S suggested carbs to help with it, so I tried a piece of toast and butter this morning before heading out the door, made it 3/4 of the way to work on the bus that was taking forever before I started feeling ill, and even at that point it wasn't too bad.

'course now some of the worrying sets in. I bought "What to Expect When You're Expecting" this weekend and started reading. I sometimes wonder if it's better to go head first with your eyes closed than open sometimes. Now I'm worried about the weight gain, nutrition, exercise etc. Pretty much am I eating the right foods? I've never been one to eat totally properly and I know now is the time to do it, but am I choosing the right stuff? I'm paranoid that I'm going to end up gaining too much weight and end up with gestational diabetes.

And well then there's exercise. I bought an elliptical cross-trainer a couple of weeks ago with the best of intentions, and when I went to assemble it, there were parts missing, and improperly drilled. So upon calling the company, they said they'd ship the parts out to me. Yay! Now 2 weeks later I phone them to see where the parts are and they tell me one of them is back ordered. Y'think they could have called maybe? So who knows, by the time the parts finally arrive, I'm gonna weigh too much to use the damn thing until the baby gets here.

I think perhaps today is just a negative day.

Issues remain with C and his homework, and right now my moods just aren't up to handling a kid who doesn't want to do anything that doesn't interest him. Maybe today will be better. Getting a note from the teacher saying he didn't do any work in class is rather frustrating.

Very fragmented thoughts today. I'm really tired, and I think I need to get to bed before 11pm. Must find more relaxing books to read before bed.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Just wait until you get the extreme horniness and I heard about extreme flatuence and of course, when those munchies finally come... Heehee. You just have to remember that it is different for everyone. What your mother went through with you will give you an idea of what you can expect, but even that will vary. Take each day as it comes and all will be fine. You have a great support system of people who adore you and are also very excited. Squeeee!

As for C, just keep consistent with what you have been doing. He is very smart and very willing to use that to keep himself uninterested. See maybe if there is something you can relate the uninteresting thing to in life so he can relate a bit better - like taking him to the Odyssium if he's not interested in science. See what M's mother did when M was young, that may give you more insight as to what to expect. Plus, lots has changed in his life recently and he is probably still dealing with that. He remind me of my brother - with the whole 'Has lots of potential' feeling. If that fails, lock yourself in the bathroom and take a long bath. While it may not help the situation, it certain will help keep you calm and I hear babies like warm water... :)

Luv ya