We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Well we got confirmation of our new possession date on the new house. June 29th!

Of course, now it just hit that we have to book a truck and plan the move, and try to find volunteers! ARG!

So I called U-Haul, and at least got the truck booked. We pick it up at closing on the 28th hopefully so we can start late that night if we want (9pm). But the main stuff will be the 29th. So now we're dredging our brains to figure out who we can invite to come give us a hand either during the day or after work. For some reason I think this is going to be the hard part. Not only is the 29th a "working day" but we haven't really hung out with a lot of people in the past year. I'd feel back asking just anyone to come help, c'mon who really wants to help people move? So, if anyone wants to volunteer? :)

I did email some people that I figured I could twist an arm on without too much trouble (love ya guys!) and hopefully in the next month and a half we can recruit a few more. Once we know the numbers then we can figure out if we're promising pizza or something more :)

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