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Monday, May 29, 2006

Oopsy... from Friday

More real estate stress…

We were told that there were 2 appraisals needed on our current house (for the buyer’s 2 mortgage companies – confusing). The first appraisal went nicely on time, and a very pleasant lady all round. The second… well that’s another story.

This guy, Rick, phoned me at work at 6:30pm (go figure I wasn’t there). So I returned his call the next day, left him a voicemail, which he never returned. This was probably about 3 weeks ago now. He calls me last night on my cell after 6 (again!). I return his call. He says we need to get this appraisal done, so I say of course, and we will need an evening appointment. Well at this point he gets all huffy. I say, well perhaps a weekend? He gets even more pissed and says “I work 60 hrs a week as it is, if I work more I may as well get a divorce.” This is not my problem!

I was told when he first contacted my agent that I could make the appointment at my discretion, and not to go out of my way to take time off work, etc. So, that’s what I did. Then he says “Don’t you want to sell your house?” which puts me into a panic. “Our house is sold, they take possession June 30,” I say. He then responds “Well if they don’t get their money then your house isn’t sold” So now I’m having a fit. He finally agrees to come at 4:45pm almost 2 weeks from now. M’s trying to stay calm and calm me down as well.

I phone my agent (who is awesome!) and have him paged, twice. Poor guy. He was at the hockey game. He calls me back, I explain the situation. My agent reassures me, and even volunteers to deal with this guy. So this morning I gave him the guy’s contact info, we’ll see what happens.

But on a good news note, the house we bought in St. Albert has increased in value by $25,000 since we bought it, and we haven’t even moved in yet.

Thank goodness for Ya Ya tonight. Good company, good food and cheesecake!

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