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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Over the hump and down the...

So, it's Thursday. I finally get the route to camp mapped out in my brain only to have 1 more day to drive it. Then a new one on Monday. Ah well. At least I get to do a lot of riding.

M had a talk with C, and things have been steadily improving with his morning rituals. Today the only thing he needed "reminding" was to brush his teeth. Wow the kid has wicked breath if he doesn't. Hate to see it when he hits puberty. He's also having major troubles locking the door. He needs to be able to do it for school at the end of august since we'll be leaving before him in the morning. Any suggestions? Should we replace the lock with a keypad? Use the bottom pushlock only? (That's what we did in the old house). Any other ideas?

Also to my ladies, it's YaYa time! Let's find a time. :)

Was the baby sister's b-day yesterday, hard to believe she's 27. She bought herself a new car which is great. Was also nice to see my dad get out to a restaurant, I don't think he's been out too much since he got sick. But good reports from the orthopedic doc on his shoulder replacement and the correctional cardiac procedure will be done next month hopefully.

At work we graduated another PhD from the lab. We have 1 grad student left, it's getting small. And in september it's going to get quiet. Very quiet. Part of me is curious as to what's going to happen around here, and part of me wonders if I should be looking to move on. I don't really want to rock the boat at the moment since I've got it really good here, but how long do you hold onto the boat?

Well, just some morning thoughts...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am glad that things are working out with C. Remember he will occasionally act out, if only to let you prove that you love him and are there for him constantly. Remember the position you represent in his life. Not exactly a stellar example previously.

As for how long to hold the boat - I am not sure. I am antsy myself for something new to do, but I am so unsure of what I want to do and will it make me happy and will it be as easy as my current position is. There's lots of talk and I relaly don't know which was to go. As for you - are you happy? Are you using your skills and learning something new? Are you serving yourself in the best way ever in this position? That is where I would start. Focus on what you get from the job and how that feels to you. Ignore the people leaving, the lack of students (more will come), and the length of time you have been there. Get down to what you feel inside and whether you are happy with where you are or are you settling.

Anyway, that is just my feeling. And as for YaYa - definitely need to set a date to get together and we need to set a day to gather re gaming as well.

Take care. You are doing great.