We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Friday, October 27, 2006

Blogger Beta

Well I have to say I'm liking this version. I'm rather inept at html and stuff like that, so being able to add links without having to worry about that makes me happy.

I've added some links to some more web comics I've found along the way that ticked my funnybone at one time or another.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A funny in the morning is a good thing

My baby sister sent me this in an email this morning...

You Know You Grew Up In The 80's if:
1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word SIKE.
Ok, I never did that one... that I can recall anyway

2. You watched the Pound Puppies.
That's another one if those, that perhaps if there was nothing else on.

3. You can sing the rap to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and can do the Carlton.
Nope can't sing the rap, but I did watch the show with some regularity.

4. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy.
That would involve me wearing a skirt, like that ever happened back then.

5. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a club of your own.
Ok, this one shows me that I was born in the 70's, early enough to be too old for the Baby-sitters club books.

6. You owned those lil' Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
Nope, but I had friends who did.

7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom.
Hell yeah! Ok ok, I admit it, I watched Blossom.

8. Two words: Hammer Pants.
Heh, we still joke about those nowadays.

9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock".
Loved it!

10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars... and spokey-dokes or playing cards on your spokes for that incredible sound effect.
Hmmm I remember wanting plastic streamers, don't think I actually got them though.

11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales" (Woo ooh!).

12. It was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
Of course it was, there was a D&D cartoon!

13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.
Ummm yeah, been there, did that.

14. You saw the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen..and still know the turtles names.
Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo right?

15. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.
Never heard of this one.

16. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.
Heh, nope! I tied up my own shirts!

17. You played the game "MASH"(Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House).
This seems vaguely familiar, but I just can't place it.

18. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it.

19. L.A. Gear....need I say more?
Always wanted those shoes.

20. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in Kindergarten. (She's Truly Outrageous.)
Nope, but maybe the baby sister did.

21. You remember reading Tales of a fourth grade nothing and all The Ramona books.
I think I might have, but then again, I read alot of books.

22. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"
Hee hee of course! And I had a crush on the bad guy.

23. You wanted to be a Goonie.

24. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of us...head-to-toe)
Fluorescent t-shirts ftw!

25. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off and his cheeks shifted.

26. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
Of course!

27. You took lunch boxes to school...and traded Garbage Pailkids in the schoolyard.
Wasn't allowed the cards, but I remember 'em.

28. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.

29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence.
Nope, but I remember it.

30. You remember Hypercolor t-shirts.
Watch 'em sweat!

31. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.
Nah, Corey Hart!

32. You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should hook up.
That's one cartoon I never really watched.

33. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.
I used to spend hours making those.

34. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes.
Oh probably.

35. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"
Ug, yes.

36. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
And how way overused it was.

37. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.
Hey that was my first date!

38. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.
Of course! Who put a fence there?

39. You have ever played with a Skip-It.
My favorite was the one with the strawberry on the end.

40. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonalds.
Of course!

41. You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement.
Um, yeah.

42. You remember Popples.

43. Don't worry, be happy.
Hee hee and attempting to remember all the funny noises he made in that song.

44. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.
Never went that far

45. You wore socks scrunched down (and sometimes still do..getting yelled at by younger hip members of the family)
Slouch socks!

46. You remember boom boxes and walking around with one on your shoulder like you were all that.
I remember asking for a blue one for Christmas. P still has it.

47. You remember watching both Gremlins movies.
Yeah, and the first one scared the crap out of me.

48. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!!"
Oh yeah.

49. You remember watching Rainbow Bright and & My Little Pony Tales.
My little pony! They were almost horses.

50. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was hot.

51. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
Hee hee yup watched that one.

52. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool...and don't even flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB"
They were the middle sister's passion.

53. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By The Bell," The ORIGINAL class.
Ummm yeah, and Zach was hot.

54. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.
Know the song, not all the words.

55. You just sang those words to yourself.
Of course, well the words I remember.

56. You remember watching Magic vs. Bird.
Blech, basketball.

57. Homemade Levi shorts. (the shorter the better)
Nah, I was never skinny enough

58. You remember when mullets were cool!
They were?

59. You had a mullet!
Hell no!

60. You still sing "We are the World"
Nope :)

61. You tight rolled your jeans.

62. You owned a bannana clip.
Heck, I still have 'em... Great for 80's parties!

63. You remember "Where's the Beef?"

64. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"
Oh, probably sometime in the past... I liked that show!

65. You had big hair and you knew how to use it.
Not near as big as the middle sister (Who actually lit her bangs on fire from a kerosene lantern)

66. You're still singing shot through the heart in your head, aren't you!
I wasn't until I re-read this...

Monday, October 16, 2006


Have you ever had a day/evening where your life felt totally surreal?

I had one of those last night. Sitting on the couch watching a fluffy movie it just hit me. Maybe it was because of the nightmare I had Saturday night, I'm not sure.

Let's start with the nightmare. It put me off my mood all day Sunday. I dreamed that M came home from work (security? hmmm past-tense dream?), and announced that he was leaving me. No reason, just he was leaving. We weren't in our current house, but some other "house". I went into a panic of what I was going to do, how I was going to afford the morgage etc. I don't know why this is a recurring nightmare for me, but it comes every few months.

So there I am last night, sitting on the couch in awe of the fact that I am married to someone I never thought would even glance my way (he was way too cute for me) and that I am totally heads over heels in love with, we have made a life and family together and plan to one day expand on that family. We have a gorgeous home, and enough money to live comfortably.

I'm still unsettled today, and would like to do nothing more than curl up on the couch with the fireplace on and M's arms around me.

Perhaps it's the weather... perhaps it's that I haven't been sleeping well. I find I can't fall completely asleep until M comes to bed recently. No matter how exhausted I am, I am in a "half-doze" until he gets into bed and I can curl up with him. Obviously my mind is needing some sort of reassurance... but for why?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Post Thanksgiving

So... The turkey was prepared, cooked and eaten. No one got sick! I think it could have been taken out a bit early, but the in-laws came over in a panic that the 19lb turkey had to go in by 10am! (LOL) Everything we read said 5 hrs. So to eat at 5ish it should go in around noon right? Right. Ah well, the turkey was done almost an hour before the rest of the stuff. Guess we'll know by next year.

We had both sets of in-laws over, and a set of M's grandparents. C was a total beast behaviourwise, apparently when other people show up he turns into an attention desperate idiot. I was not pleased. Then he got so wound up he started throwing temper tantrums. C'mon, you're almost 10! Geeze! Anyways, he got a talking to, and settled down a little. Once all the family left he was back to his old self.

Also, M is getting some movement back in the side of his face. Not much yet, but more than before! Very exciting :)

That's about all the excitement for us during the last week. Taryn, drop me an email you holiday person. Sorry about the party, I just couldn't get M up to going out to a big gathering quite yet. Plus there's now the issue of needing a babysitter, I don't think the inlaws are terribly organized in their new place yet. They had to buy a new bed, since their old one didn't fit in the bedroom. :o

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Yes I'm still alive

I'm still here, just haven't felt like blogging in awhile. This past month to month and a half have probably been some of the worst months of my life other than when my dad had his strokes. I am slowly coming to terms with things, and begining the healing process, but it will take time.

For all you out there (well the 1 that reads this blog) everyone is well, including the Bear, so no worries there.

I think soon will be time to get together with some friends... and omg, M suggested we host Thanksgiving this year, so we're going to have a zoo at our place. Thank goodness I bought a 6' table for sewing a couple of weeks ago.

Anyone know how to cook a turkey? :)