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Friday, October 13, 2006

Post Thanksgiving

So... The turkey was prepared, cooked and eaten. No one got sick! I think it could have been taken out a bit early, but the in-laws came over in a panic that the 19lb turkey had to go in by 10am! (LOL) Everything we read said 5 hrs. So to eat at 5ish it should go in around noon right? Right. Ah well, the turkey was done almost an hour before the rest of the stuff. Guess we'll know by next year.

We had both sets of in-laws over, and a set of M's grandparents. C was a total beast behaviourwise, apparently when other people show up he turns into an attention desperate idiot. I was not pleased. Then he got so wound up he started throwing temper tantrums. C'mon, you're almost 10! Geeze! Anyways, he got a talking to, and settled down a little. Once all the family left he was back to his old self.

Also, M is getting some movement back in the side of his face. Not much yet, but more than before! Very exciting :)

That's about all the excitement for us during the last week. Taryn, drop me an email you holiday person. Sorry about the party, I just couldn't get M up to going out to a big gathering quite yet. Plus there's now the issue of needing a babysitter, I don't think the inlaws are terribly organized in their new place yet. They had to buy a new bed, since their old one didn't fit in the bedroom. :o

1 comment:

Taryn said...

I dropped you a line. :) Glad things are getting better for you. :)