We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Monday, October 16, 2006


Have you ever had a day/evening where your life felt totally surreal?

I had one of those last night. Sitting on the couch watching a fluffy movie it just hit me. Maybe it was because of the nightmare I had Saturday night, I'm not sure.

Let's start with the nightmare. It put me off my mood all day Sunday. I dreamed that M came home from work (security? hmmm past-tense dream?), and announced that he was leaving me. No reason, just he was leaving. We weren't in our current house, but some other "house". I went into a panic of what I was going to do, how I was going to afford the morgage etc. I don't know why this is a recurring nightmare for me, but it comes every few months.

So there I am last night, sitting on the couch in awe of the fact that I am married to someone I never thought would even glance my way (he was way too cute for me) and that I am totally heads over heels in love with, we have made a life and family together and plan to one day expand on that family. We have a gorgeous home, and enough money to live comfortably.

I'm still unsettled today, and would like to do nothing more than curl up on the couch with the fireplace on and M's arms around me.

Perhaps it's the weather... perhaps it's that I haven't been sleeping well. I find I can't fall completely asleep until M comes to bed recently. No matter how exhausted I am, I am in a "half-doze" until he gets into bed and I can curl up with him. Obviously my mind is needing some sort of reassurance... but for why?

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