We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ok, ok, ok... an update

Wow, ok there's a tummy! I didn't even really look at this picture until I uploaded it. I think there's a baby in there! :)

So yeah, it's been a bit since I last posted anything. Things have been chaotic a best and downright depressing at their worst.

The baby is definately starting to move around, and either it likes certain things, or it's my mood when I'm doing/watching/listening to stuff, because all of a sudden I'll get wicked boots for a few minutes. The other day I was working at my bench and the kicks were enough to set me into giggles. Granted then another night I was sitting up in bed and I was getting kicks in rather uncomfortable places (my crotch), had to tell the baby to move it! Juggled my position, and finally they stopped.

So anyways, the chaos. For the most of the beginning of March I was involved at work not only with writing a grant, but writing/editing/data crunching for my very first FIRST author paper. Now I have a few pubs out there already as a supporting author, for anyone that knows me, google or search PubMed for my maiden name and you should find a few. So that made for extremly long busy days, were I did nothing on my computer but look at spreadsheets and documents. I'm glad that is all over... for now. Since we found out shortly after submission that the paper was rejected from the first journal we chose. So now I have to reformat it for another journal.

I also had my meeting with HR to set up my benefits/etc for my mat leave. That went better than I expected, also since M's company will cover my health stuff I only have to carry disability and life insurance for the year. They also gave me a diaper bag gift bag! It was ever so nice!

Let's see, what else. The boys were supposed to have a dentist appointment last weekend (for both of 'em) and when we got there we found out that their computer had crashed and that the appointments got lost (I booked them 3 months ago to get a Saturday appt), so we managed to get C squeezed in, but M has to wait until next week. I don't think he was dissapointed. So, C needs to see an orthodontist, I pretty much expected that, one of his front teeth is pretty much sideways in his mouth. So we'll see what happens with that appointment (It's not until June).

I went to see my obgyn again, baby is doing well, heartbeat was 147bpm, and apparently it was being a pain to get a heartrate from as it was chugging all over the place and the doc had to chase it to get the heart rate. So it appears that there will be no more ultrasounds unless something comes up.

I made the mistake of going to a Welcome Wagon baby shower this past weekend. It was a good and a bad idea. I felt really left out and alone because I was the only girl there not trailing at least a husband, girlfriends and mothers. I mean I know I have girlfriends and all, but it was just such short notice I guess. I dunno. I came home a pretty big basket case. Stressed and strung out about how much there was to know, to buy, etc. I'm doing better now, but every once in awhile it hits home again.

Definately have to get together with the girls more often I think. But it seems that everyone is so busy with all their own things nowadays it's hard to get time.

We also had PT interviews with C's teacher this week. It wasn't as bad as we'd feared, but he is dropping his marks/effort etc in school. A lot of it seems to be an attitude issue... if he doesn't want to do it, he won't, he'll actually argue assignment wording with the teacher. (sigh) She thinks he will grow out of it, I certainly hope so. These homework battles are really taking their toll on M and I... I mean how much can we keep going over and over and over and over the same things? C is 10 years old, he shouldn't need his teacher to pack his homework in his backpack to make sure he takes it home every night.

Well enough whining, today is a nice day, I'm in a good mood (so far), the sun is shining and I get to go home in an hour and a half.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

What a dif 3 weeks makes eh? Look at that baby - getting all big and stuff. :)

I definitely agree that the girls need to get together more often. We just need better times to get together... (Sun afternoon so hard to clear) :) I am sorry we didn't tag along for the shower, never heard of a baby shower that was for lots of people, and not just the one expectant mother.

C sure gets more and more like his father, eh? :) Keep on him with consistancy. You are doing great with him. Could be he is getting nervous about the baby, or he is testing his limits, or maybe he is having some troubles at school that he hasn't talked about.

Anyway, thanks for the update on your life. I have been pretty isolated lately with all the OT at work and the stress. Most nights and weekends, I have been hiding, trying to get some energy back and letting the stress go. Things will get better. YaYa will happen. :)