We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Monday, March 27, 2006

Day 7?

Heh, ok the days are blurred now.

So, our house went on the market Friday, we got the fancy shmancy signs and everything. Viewings were scheduled for Saturday. So, we went out to archery classes and then hubby and step-son went to a friends and I went to do our taxes. I got home to see that at least 5 people went through the house judging by the cards their agents left. So, not bad for a first day I thought.

Going upstairs to relax (I totally forgot to call hubby to say I was home.. oops), I played some World of Warcraft until I head the dog trying to bark himself hoarse and break the front window. I rush downstairs to see people peering in my front window. Ok? So I ask what's up and the guy says he just wanted to show his gf/wife? the house, he'd been through earlier and throught she'd like it. So, being me, I say come on in and look around... she loves the place, he tells me they're going to for sure write an offer that night. I'm thinking ok, I'll believe it when I see it.

A couple hours later the doorbell rings, and the couple is standing there again! They said they wrote an offer but my agent said he didn't have time to present it to us? Ok, so I'm thinking what the heck is going on... I told them I'd call my agent and find out... so they left again.

I gave my agent a call and he explained to me that it wasn't that he didn't have time, it was that their offer was ridiculously low and he didn't want to waste our time. So I'm not sure if they didn't understand or their agent didn't understand. So anyway, he told them to rewrite their offer if they wanted us to consider it seriously.

So, a bit later, he calls, they've rewritten for a more reasonable amount, but still low. He counters with full list price and says he'll let us know in the morning.

So, Sunday morning rolls around, he calls, they've come up a bit again on their offer, but he feels he can squeek another $1000 out of 'em. So I say go for it, if you can get them up that little bit more we'll agree. So about another hour later, we have an offer verbally accepted! By 2pm we have the offer accepted in writing, with the pendings of course!

So, theoretically, we have our house sold, barely 24 hrs after the first bunch of people went through. WOW. Now we'd better find a new house to move into :)

So, the inspection is tonight, hope that goes ok, 'cause they say they're already pre-approved for the mortgage, they just have to get official financing. The conditions are due to be off by April 4th, but if these people are as eager as they seem, I think they'll be off sooner.

This morning I called the bank to re-open our mortgage application, we'll see how that goes. We have a number from February when we thought about building, we're working with that. I should know tomorrow a better idea when the banker calls me back.

Sorry for all the so's... that's my brain itemizing... just floored how fast this went.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Day 2

Well photos are done, chatting is out of the way. Boy can we all talk when we get going with our agent. Great guy very down to earth.

Still can barely get down our road due to the snow, but I hear rumors that the plows are starting to get to the residential area so that's hopeful.

So... the house goes on the market Friday! Whee! We're doing an unofficial open house on Saturday. They're going to try to get as many agents/clients through during the day, perhaps to even get an offer then! That would be wild, but I'm trying not to get too hopeful. He seems confident that he can sell our place. I just want to be able to look relatively stress-free for the new place.

So Saturday means archery classes for the kidlet and then hanging out with my parents while the boys go play D&D/PS2 respectively with friends. I'll finally be able to get our taxes done!

Hmmmm not sure what else to enlighten you all on (especially since there's probably not too many people reading this). If'n you have anything you'd like an update from me on my and my families lives let me know!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Day 1

I guess today might count as day 1 with selling the house. Tonight after work our agent comes over to take the "promotional photos" of our house to put in the flyer and I'm guessing to do any paperwork, put up signage etc.

So, the house is clean. I'm sore. But it's done. It's amazing how dirty a house can get when you're nitpicking everything. The bathtub is re-caulked, what a pain! but at least I know how to do it. Also, to top things off, the toilet broke on Sunday. Luckily it's fixed now, would have been horrible to have a prospective buyer use the facilities and the toilet breaks on 'em.

The only negative right now is the 2 foot dump of snow that hit us this weekend. It's next to impossible to park in front of our house so we might not be able to have an open house on the weekend. Then again, I suppose I could go out there and shovel another pile or two of snow from the front street. By the time they get around to plowing the residential streets we'll be wearing shorts.

Now, the trick is, can we keep the house clean? Will it sell quick? (I sure hope so cause I want to house shop so bad!) But no shopping till an offer in hand... sigh... it's hard some days tho when I get emails from the agents of properties for sale. I hate moving, but I love a new place to set up.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Why do we do this to ourselves?

So... back at the blog again. Now that there's some chaos in my life, perhaps some of it is blogworthy. Figured this would be a good way to keep my friends and family up to date since I'm horrible at phonecalls.

So, lets bring everyone up to date. As of boxing day 2005, my step-son came to live with my husband and I full time. It's been quite a period of adjustment for all of us. Taking care of a dog is a lot different than taking care of a 2-legged variety. He's a great kid, and I think we're all managing to get a routine down.

Then because that chaos wasn't enough, we realized that with having one munchkin underfoot, plus a 50lb dog and perhaps thinking of one more munchkin in the future, that our house is way too small for all of us. So... off we go exploring options of building or buying a new house.

But! Before we buy a new house, I'm not going to go through the stress of what happened with the condo (suffice to say, paying 2 mortgages is not fun). So we aren't even looking until we have a pretty sure sale in hand.

So, the house goes on the market in a week. We're frantically trying to get it clean enough to make me happy. If all goes well we should have it done by the end of the weekend. Our agent is coming Tuesday to take the promo photos. I hope it sells quick. Real estate here is pretty crazy so I think we have a good chance.

ta ta for now!