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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Yes I'm still alive

I'm still here, just haven't felt like blogging in awhile. This past month to month and a half have probably been some of the worst months of my life other than when my dad had his strokes. I am slowly coming to terms with things, and begining the healing process, but it will take time.

For all you out there (well the 1 that reads this blog) everyone is well, including the Bear, so no worries there.

I think soon will be time to get together with some friends... and omg, M suggested we host Thanksgiving this year, so we're going to have a zoo at our place. Thank goodness I bought a 6' table for sewing a couple of weeks ago.

Anyone know how to cook a turkey? :)


Taryn said...

I am very glad that things are getting better and that you are ready for some friend time - YAYA!! - I am sorry that you have had such a roller coaster of a year as well. I know that I am thankful that I have you as a friend and I wish I could do more to make things better for you. Alas, you only have my powers of being annoyingly positive and incredibly timely on emails asking if you are still there. :)

On a good note, the only recipe I know for turkeys, especially if they are whole, involve a Really Big deep fryer. Probably a good thing I haven't been on the computer much this past week. :) heehee

Irrylyn said...

Yes holiday girl... drop me an email, since you won't be checking your work one!

Irrylyn said...
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