We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Monday, January 29, 2007

Quick update

So a quickie update. This past week has been pretty chaotic. More homework battles with C. The kid just has no concept of forward thinking. If it isn’t in front of his face it doesn’t exist. *sigh*

We went to see “Smokin’ Aces” with free passes on Wed night. It wasn’t too bad, the price was right.

Guh, between homework fights I can’t remember what else happened this week.

I cleaned for almost 4 hours on Saturday afternoon while the boys were out. That was nice. But I overdid it and had trouble moving properly on Sunday. Maybe the whole nesting thing is starting, or maybe I was just disgusted with my house. Hard to say.

Other than that, everyone is fine. Baby isn’t doing too much this week, at least nothing noteworthy.

Wanted to get another belly pic done this weekend, but we just didn’t get around to it. Hope to get one soon.

Just feel totally burned out and brain isn't working all that well... maybe I should go have lunch.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Madame Zaritska's reading
Madame Zaritska, our resident clairvoyant, wants to help you prepare for the arrival of your child. Here she does her best to predict certain aspects of your labor and birth experience.
What she senses for youThe day you deliver, outside will be slightly overcast. Your baby will arrive in the early evening.
After a labor lasting approximately 4 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and be almost bald.
But there is more. I sense that you are in need of distraction. Some enjoyment.

The above was good for a laugh. I’ll take a 4 hr labor, who wouldn’t?

So my hubby was a sweetheart, when I said last week that I wanted that baby heartbeat thingy he jumped right out and ordered it online. I guess he missed the sentence following saying that I was going to go look for it on Saturday. I felt like such a heel when I brought it home and he got upset because he’d ordered one. Hopefully he was able to cancel his order, he won’t tell me either way. He’s still a sweetie for trying to get it for me!

Turns out, it’s a bit early for the listener thingy, all I can hear so far is my own digestion. Fascinating as it is, it’s not really what I was hoping to hear. I guess some day I need to learn patience, now’s as good a time as any.

So nothing new on the baby front, I suppose the tummy is getting a bit bigger, depending on what clothes I wear it’s more or less noticeable. I still have some sort of stomach upset at night, not sure if it’s my version of heartburn or what, but it’s still quite uncomfortable. Throughout the day I seem to be a lot better. Granted I’m still not able to stay up as late as I would like to at night.

On the home front, C is grounded again. He lied to us about having his homework done on Friday and got caught totally in it with a long note from his teacher. He lost his WoW privileges, and any ability to see the new Burning Crusade expansion until, well originally Friday. But then the very next day he managed to extend his grounding by another day by forgetting his homework at school. It’s totally frustrating, I know the kid is smart, he can spout information all day long, but ask him to write a simple sentence and he’s totally at a loss.

So what does his teacher do? Sends home 6! Assignments that are not done as she wants them. She wants the questions answered in “reflective” sentences. For one, what the hell is a reflective sentence? So I went through his assignments and figured well, let’s just get the answers written in even simple sentences. They were all answered in point form. But why could she not have sent these home when it was just 2 assignments? I mean now he has 6 to work on, and at the rate he works, it will take all weekend to get through them. It took him 2 hrs last night to get through about 14 questions (1 assignment). He’s already written the answers, but apparently writing them in the form of a sentence escapes him. I just don’t get it. I’m scared he’s going to be the kid in highschool who can barely read and write. Eventually this is going to really catch up to him. His marks are good now, but for how long?

So now we sit, he’s grounded until Saturday evening at the earliest, and that’s only if today and tomorrow go well at school and we don’t get any more nasty notes.

Oh and to top it off I started getting ahold of HR to sort out my mat leave. I’ll leave that for later, because it’s another thing that gets me hopping mad. Not work precisely, the HR department.

Other than that, I’m quite enjoying Burning Crusade J

Saturday, January 13, 2007

12 weeks 6 days tummy

Just a quick update so everyone can see my ginormous boobs and the bit of baby tummy. Also for any of my "web friends" who haven't seen my tattoo, you can also get a peep at that.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Baby update

So yesterday was the doc’s appointment to followup the ultrasound last week. He confirmed that on January 8 the baby was 11weeks 4 days. Everything looked good. He tried to get a heartrate on the Doppler, but of course, baby wasn’t cooperating. He/she was running away and tumbling as fast as the doc scanned. He said he was able to get a heartbeat, but it was “transient”. He reassured me that babies at this age (12w3d yesterday) move around a lot, so it wasn’t surprising.

I’m also wondering about the baby moving thing. I read that you can feel movement as early as now, but I’m not getting too much. But, last night I felt a pulling/straining on some muscles at the front of my abdomen, wonder if that’s the baby pushing, or just my uterus growing. Interesting. Kind of like an achy muscle feeling.

Part of me is debating buying my own baby heartmonitoring thingy. You can get them at some maternity stores. Check this out.


I may go on the weekend to see if the Motherhood Maternity store near where I’m having lunch has one of these. I think it would be so cool! WANT!

Family update

Let’s see. C’s back at school this week, so far so good *crosses fingers* We only had one minor incident with him not realizing he could undo his shoelaces to make his gym shoes more comfortable.

M’s website seems to be making progress; it’s nice to see him get a bit of relief after all the stress. He’s far from stress-free, but there’s some improvement.

My sister is having to have a C-section since her placenta is under the baby somehow which won’t allow a normal delivery. Found out that she’s going to be delivering (barring any problems) on my birthday. Isn’t that just hilarious?

Bear is as nutty as usual, my parents bought him a rawhide that’s about 3 feet long. He’s pulled the knots off both ends, but before he tore it apart it was a riot to watch him try to carry it up and down stairs. You’d think he’d grab it in the middle, but nope, he had to drag it by one end, the other end dragging along the wall.

Well that’s it for now I think, feel free to comment peoples with any questions you may want answered.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Short note

Changed the ticker at the top to reflect the new due date. We'll see how long this one fits.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Picture #3

So here you have it. Picture #3. Finally got the whole story as to why the 3rd ultrasound. Apparently on the other 2, the dates didn't quite match the size of the baby. This time things were much closer. My due date looks like it might be closer to July 24th than the 21st but that's ok.

It was cute, when she first tried to find the baby, she had to chase it. Heh, but apparently less pee is better as once the pressure was relieved ("here go pee out 2 cups and we'll try again") the baby settled right down.

He/she is currently approximately 5cm from "crown to rump" with a heartrate today of 167. The bright white patches are the jaw and nose forming. M and I got much clearer pictures as she was showing us realtime. We saw the nose, jaw, head, arms, legs, stomach, and umbilical cord. Oooo! We also saw the heart beating! Then we saw the baby wave "Hi" to us, and then proceed to try to stick it's hand in it's mouth (I think anyways).

I'm totally jazzed this afternoon, as finally finding out why the third u/s was necessary, and finding out that everything is proceeding as expected is a relief. And it's the first u/s I haven't cried at!

On the morning sickness note, it has lessened off a bit. Now it's more a "must eat now" stomach call. That's a little easier to handle.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Christmas chaos

I could have blogged over the holidays, but I didn’t. And there’s a pretty good reason why.

Let’s see… so I’m suffering through my all day nausea on the 19th thinking that maybe we should just order supper. So I figure we’ll get Swiss Chalet, they’re pretty good with being able to pre-order form work and then pick it up on the way home. Since we already had to go that direction since the parts to my elliptical trainer came in and needed to be picked up as well. So we get out food (and it was delayed which is not normal for them, if I order for 5 it’s ready for 5). Get home, eat, relax, y’know, nice normal night… right…

So about midnight, I hear C get up and go to the bathroom, and well it doesn’t sound right. I hear him get up again an hour later. Then my stomach starts feeling funny. Lovely. C and I have ended up with food poisoning. M sleeps through the whole of the night’s events with C and I taking turns in the bathroom. Thank goodness for 3 bathrooms in the house. Around 4am it’s getting so bad for me that I’m sitting there on the throne and getting sick and suddenly all I hear/feel is this wooshing sound and bam! I wake up under my bathroom vanity. I fainted? I can’t believe I bloody fainted! So now here I am, laying on the bathroom floor, not sure if I should move, calling out to M to wake him up, cause he slept through that too. Finally getting him up, and getting myself together, M calls capital health to see if I need to go into emerg. Food poisoning + 10 weeks pregnant isn’t a great combo. They said, no I didn’t sound dehydrated, so I could just rest at home and to come in only if I started showing signs of dehydration. Oh and did I mention I bashed my head too? Yeah, lovely “road rash” next to my left eye. So we pulled out the hide-a-bed in the basement and C and I took turns running to the downstairs bathroom all day. Luckily by the evening we were able to sleep and the next day we spent sleeping and eating crackers and drinking Gatorade.

This was not my plans to spend the last few days before the holidays. I had work to do that I had to beg off to other people in the lab, and I felt like a total poop. C made it back to school on the 22nd for his half day before the holidays.

It took a lot longer for me to get back to feeling anywhere near normal with the weakness from the food poisoning, and the nausea. Most of the rest of the holidays were spent on the cough watching tv. I had to nap every afternoon to even be able to function by dinner time. Even Christmas day at my parents I had to lay down. I managed to have a bit of dinner there, but was really happy to get home.

On a good note, had another doc’s appt on the 29th. We heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time (we’ve just seen it on the ultrasounds). The doc warned us he might not be able to find it as it’s still early, but he did… for a few seconds we listened to the most amazing sound!

New Year’s we did really quietly. P&B came over for a few hours and we ordered pizza and watched X-men 3. Then they took off and C, M and I watched more tv until midnight when C and I collapsed into bed. Thank goodness for napping!

New Year’s day, M’s dad invited/ordered us over for the turkey dinner he didn’t get Christmas day because someone turned off the turkey at noon and no one noticed until 3pm. Managed to eat not too bad there, and wanted ice cream for dessert, so M took me to 7-11 for ice cream, he’s a sweetie.

And well today, I’m back at work.