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Thursday, January 18, 2007


Madame Zaritska's reading
Madame Zaritska, our resident clairvoyant, wants to help you prepare for the arrival of your child. Here she does her best to predict certain aspects of your labor and birth experience.
What she senses for youThe day you deliver, outside will be slightly overcast. Your baby will arrive in the early evening.
After a labor lasting approximately 4 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and be almost bald.
But there is more. I sense that you are in need of distraction. Some enjoyment.

The above was good for a laugh. I’ll take a 4 hr labor, who wouldn’t?

So my hubby was a sweetheart, when I said last week that I wanted that baby heartbeat thingy he jumped right out and ordered it online. I guess he missed the sentence following saying that I was going to go look for it on Saturday. I felt like such a heel when I brought it home and he got upset because he’d ordered one. Hopefully he was able to cancel his order, he won’t tell me either way. He’s still a sweetie for trying to get it for me!

Turns out, it’s a bit early for the listener thingy, all I can hear so far is my own digestion. Fascinating as it is, it’s not really what I was hoping to hear. I guess some day I need to learn patience, now’s as good a time as any.

So nothing new on the baby front, I suppose the tummy is getting a bit bigger, depending on what clothes I wear it’s more or less noticeable. I still have some sort of stomach upset at night, not sure if it’s my version of heartburn or what, but it’s still quite uncomfortable. Throughout the day I seem to be a lot better. Granted I’m still not able to stay up as late as I would like to at night.

On the home front, C is grounded again. He lied to us about having his homework done on Friday and got caught totally in it with a long note from his teacher. He lost his WoW privileges, and any ability to see the new Burning Crusade expansion until, well originally Friday. But then the very next day he managed to extend his grounding by another day by forgetting his homework at school. It’s totally frustrating, I know the kid is smart, he can spout information all day long, but ask him to write a simple sentence and he’s totally at a loss.

So what does his teacher do? Sends home 6! Assignments that are not done as she wants them. She wants the questions answered in “reflective” sentences. For one, what the hell is a reflective sentence? So I went through his assignments and figured well, let’s just get the answers written in even simple sentences. They were all answered in point form. But why could she not have sent these home when it was just 2 assignments? I mean now he has 6 to work on, and at the rate he works, it will take all weekend to get through them. It took him 2 hrs last night to get through about 14 questions (1 assignment). He’s already written the answers, but apparently writing them in the form of a sentence escapes him. I just don’t get it. I’m scared he’s going to be the kid in highschool who can barely read and write. Eventually this is going to really catch up to him. His marks are good now, but for how long?

So now we sit, he’s grounded until Saturday evening at the earliest, and that’s only if today and tomorrow go well at school and we don’t get any more nasty notes.

Oh and to top it off I started getting ahold of HR to sort out my mat leave. I’ll leave that for later, because it’s another thing that gets me hopping mad. Not work precisely, the HR department.

Other than that, I’m quite enjoying Burning Crusade J

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