We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Thursday, January 11, 2007


Baby update

So yesterday was the doc’s appointment to followup the ultrasound last week. He confirmed that on January 8 the baby was 11weeks 4 days. Everything looked good. He tried to get a heartrate on the Doppler, but of course, baby wasn’t cooperating. He/she was running away and tumbling as fast as the doc scanned. He said he was able to get a heartbeat, but it was “transient”. He reassured me that babies at this age (12w3d yesterday) move around a lot, so it wasn’t surprising.

I’m also wondering about the baby moving thing. I read that you can feel movement as early as now, but I’m not getting too much. But, last night I felt a pulling/straining on some muscles at the front of my abdomen, wonder if that’s the baby pushing, or just my uterus growing. Interesting. Kind of like an achy muscle feeling.

Part of me is debating buying my own baby heartmonitoring thingy. You can get them at some maternity stores. Check this out.


I may go on the weekend to see if the Motherhood Maternity store near where I’m having lunch has one of these. I think it would be so cool! WANT!

Family update

Let’s see. C’s back at school this week, so far so good *crosses fingers* We only had one minor incident with him not realizing he could undo his shoelaces to make his gym shoes more comfortable.

M’s website seems to be making progress; it’s nice to see him get a bit of relief after all the stress. He’s far from stress-free, but there’s some improvement.

My sister is having to have a C-section since her placenta is under the baby somehow which won’t allow a normal delivery. Found out that she’s going to be delivering (barring any problems) on my birthday. Isn’t that just hilarious?

Bear is as nutty as usual, my parents bought him a rawhide that’s about 3 feet long. He’s pulled the knots off both ends, but before he tore it apart it was a riot to watch him try to carry it up and down stairs. You’d think he’d grab it in the middle, but nope, he had to drag it by one end, the other end dragging along the wall.

Well that’s it for now I think, feel free to comment peoples with any questions you may want answered.

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