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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Warning - very sad news to follow

Saturday April 7

We had known P's wife was not doing well in the hospital, but I don't think any of us had any idea of the real situation, or perhaps we were all just hoping for the best. She was in ICU on a respirator and dialysis due to complications from infections she was fighting (Influenza A, Pneumonia, and the resident Pseudomonas infection that plagues many CF patients). What we didn't know when P said he was going to meet with her doctors that they were going to be discussing B's treatment wishes. Even though I knew it was coming, I was not prepared to recieve that phone call Saturday evening.

I think it is best to share with all who know P and B, P's words:

Saturday afternoon, april 7th 2007, I and Brianna's family after consulting with her doctors, made my hardest descision ever, and followed my wife's wishes. She was removed from all support and allowed to breathe at a regular rate through her intubation.

At 3:45pm, surrounded by myself and her immediate family my beautiful angel passed away quietly and painlessly.

I appreciate all the love and support I have recieved thus far.

As her wish we will be celebrating her life with a wake. This Saturday april 14th at Mike and
Lisa Davies' house in st. Albert starting at 2pm until whenever we see fit. Anyone who wishes to come to remminece or speak to me or simply be there, for 10 minutes or 5 hours, please come. I will leave my e-mail at the end of this message and will reply with a map to get there to any who want one. In liew of flowers or any other such momento my darling Brianna had requested you donate to C.F. (cystic fibrosis) foundation here in Edmonton in her name. Bring food wine and song, bring laughter tears and stories, but most of all bring Love.............

For any of you we have not got in touch with, please feel welcome to join us all. I am not including P's email to respect his privacy here, but you can email me and I will send the details.

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