We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Long awaited update?

So, it's been what, 2 weeks again? Life just doesn't seem to give anyone a break anymore it seems. So what's been going on...

Well I was sick for a week (missed 4 days of work) which really sucked. I never realized how miserable a cold is when you can't take anything for it. And well since I generally update this at work, that's where that week went.

I also found out this week that P's wife went back into hospital with complications with an infection, never good news. So we took P out for dinner Tuesday night even tho I was barely moving just to get him out for a bit.

Things went from bad to worse after that. Get back to work, swamped with trying to catch everything up, go to a dinner talk Tuesday night which wipes me pretty much for the rest of the week.. guh. So totally looking forward to a relaxing long weekend.

Thursday my mood is down, and I decide it's time to do some girly stuff, so I call up C and suggest we head out to the mall to get me a haircut and maybe find some maternity shirts. T-shirts are starting to look a bit funny over the tummy. No luck on the maternity clothes Thursday, but I did get my hair cut. Not sure what I think of it yet, it's a lot shorter, but a lot healthier.

Friday P phoned us to ask if we'd mind taking his son S to hang out with C for the afternoon, so we decided to postpone our shopping on Friday to Saturday and figured we'd just drag the boys with us. P's wife wasn't doing very well in hospital and he had a meeting with the doctors Saturday afternoon so he figured S could use the relaxation time.

So Saturday we grabbed the boys and went shopping. We decided to look at maternity clothes again at a different mall, and to perhaps look at strollers. I did find 3 maternity shirts that I didn't mind too much, so picked those up. Then we headed over to Sears to look at strollers. They had some really nice ones, and there was one in particular we were interested in. We had a lovely saleslady helping us, and we thought we'd go think about it and check what Zellers had. M also needed pants BADLY so we went over to Zellers to see what they had for strollers and pants. Their baby section was rather scary, none of their "demo" strollers even had all their wheels, so we didn't even really give them a glance. We picked out pants for M and went back to Sears. Getting back there, we waited and waited and waited being ignored by the other sales girl in the department until I finally gave up and stood in line. When she finally got to me, I said "I wanted to find out about a stroller", not even looking up from her computer she said "What kind?", and then was annoyed when I said I didn't know which one it was and I needed her to move her ass and come with me. I finally convinced her to let go of her computer and come to where I needed her to look at the stroller. And, after all that, she says, "Oh, I don't think we have any of those left" so of course, I ask her if she could double check. OMG apparently I shouldn't expect her to do her job... so she checks, yes, they don't have any. And then I have to ask if she can check other stores... wow, when I worked at Zellers many many years ago I'd have been shot if I didn't offer to do it for a customer. So she sighs and looks it up and says well maybe Southgate or Bonnie Doon will have it. And then she hands me a slip of paper with the phone numbers for those stores!!! She says "There's a phone over there you can use". OMGWTF!

So, I have to phone other Sears stores... (sigh) Well I phone Southgate and get a very nice lady over there who goes to look and says "Yes, we have one left, shall I put it on hold for you?" I say yes please, and we hustle over to Southgate, boys in tow. We get to the mall, get into Sears, and find the department. We ask about the stroller and this lady comes rushing over going "I'm so sorry! We tried to call you!" Turns out that stroller was already on hold for someone else. By this point M is so mad he looks like he's going to cry, and I'm about ready to give up for the day. But this lady is just so apologetic, and she offers to show us their most popular stroller instead, since they couldn't guarantee that they would get any more of the other stroller in. Surprisingly enough, when she shows us the other stroller, we like it even better than the one we had originally chosen.

Here is a picture of the stroller, but ours is black and white checkers.
After much squishing we got everyone and the stroller box into the car and headed home. We figured we'd relax Sat night and get to work on chores etc on Sunday since we had the father in law's b-day Sunday night and dinner with my family for easter monday. What happened Saturday night deserves it's own article.

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