We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Picture #3

So here you have it. Picture #3. Finally got the whole story as to why the 3rd ultrasound. Apparently on the other 2, the dates didn't quite match the size of the baby. This time things were much closer. My due date looks like it might be closer to July 24th than the 21st but that's ok.

It was cute, when she first tried to find the baby, she had to chase it. Heh, but apparently less pee is better as once the pressure was relieved ("here go pee out 2 cups and we'll try again") the baby settled right down.

He/she is currently approximately 5cm from "crown to rump" with a heartrate today of 167. The bright white patches are the jaw and nose forming. M and I got much clearer pictures as she was showing us realtime. We saw the nose, jaw, head, arms, legs, stomach, and umbilical cord. Oooo! We also saw the heart beating! Then we saw the baby wave "Hi" to us, and then proceed to try to stick it's hand in it's mouth (I think anyways).

I'm totally jazzed this afternoon, as finally finding out why the third u/s was necessary, and finding out that everything is proceeding as expected is a relief. And it's the first u/s I haven't cried at!

On the morning sickness note, it has lessened off a bit. Now it's more a "must eat now" stomach call. That's a little easier to handle.


Taryn said...

Cool! Thanks for the pics. Most appreciative. And I am glad you are feeling better even if your holidays were not as fun as they could have been. I hope Santa was good to you. :)

Irrylyn said...

Soon as I can get M to cooperate I'll start updating with belly pics ;) The one and only time my tummy will be on the internet.