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Monday, January 29, 2007

Quick update

So a quickie update. This past week has been pretty chaotic. More homework battles with C. The kid just has no concept of forward thinking. If it isn’t in front of his face it doesn’t exist. *sigh*

We went to see “Smokin’ Aces” with free passes on Wed night. It wasn’t too bad, the price was right.

Guh, between homework fights I can’t remember what else happened this week.

I cleaned for almost 4 hours on Saturday afternoon while the boys were out. That was nice. But I overdid it and had trouble moving properly on Sunday. Maybe the whole nesting thing is starting, or maybe I was just disgusted with my house. Hard to say.

Other than that, everyone is fine. Baby isn’t doing too much this week, at least nothing noteworthy.

Wanted to get another belly pic done this weekend, but we just didn’t get around to it. Hope to get one soon.

Just feel totally burned out and brain isn't working all that well... maybe I should go have lunch.

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Hey remember to take care of yourself... a happy mommy is a happy family. :) Plus you have two strong males to help out and if C only responds to immediate things in his vision, put a mop there and see what happens. :) Remember to ask for help and sometimes, you just need to take an afternoon and be you - play WoW, read, take a bath, call a friend, take a walk with B, etc... And lots of naps for mommy... I strongly encourage it. :) Luvs.