We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Monday, February 26, 2007

Obgyn update

So, we had our first Ob/Gyn appointment today. Talk about chaos. The woman was tied up with a c-section so all her morning appointments were delayed. Then we finally got to see her and whooosh! off she goes to it sounded like 3 women in labor. She seemed like a nice lady, quick and to the point. I miss my regular doc, but I understand she's a lot more qualified in the baby sense.

The baby's heartrate this morning was 151bpm and it only took the doc 30 seconds to find it. She said the baby was moving around quite a bit this morning, but I'm still not feeling too much. I really hope that changes.

I'm also trying not to get too hung up on the weight gain issue, but I hate the fact that they weigh you every time you go in there. I'm up about 3kg from my initial appointment weight back in November. Mental note, just add more veggies ;) maybe that will make me feel a bit better.

The other nice thing, is that my blood pressure is down from my normal "doctor's office" blood pressure.

I have a new belly pic, but it's at home, so it will follow another day.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Fourth ultrasound

So, here is our baby measuring in at 18 weeks, 2 days (on Wednesday). His/her heartrate was 140bpm. I was told it can vary from 120-180bpm depending on baby's and mom's activity.

Definately looks like the baby has my nose (grin), nice and little. We saw some awesome footage as the technician showed us a cutdown from the skull right down to the feet. It is amazing what you can see. I especially liked being able to differentiate the two bones of the forearms. But the longbones in the legs were pretty cool too.

Baby was doing cartwheels, so she had some fun trying to get all the images required. Apparently they do a whole wack of measurements at this ultrasound. The tech spent a good 10 minutes just looking for a hand as the baby was laying on them.

C was very amused that the baby's head is almost the same size as it's belly right now.

We have the obgyn appointment monday morning, so if there's any more details from the ultrasound, I guess i'll hear about them then. If not, I'll call my GP after.

Nursery Pics

So, finally I got around to taking some pictures of the baby's new stuff. Here you see the crib we bought and the so cute bedding! The crib converts from a crib->toddler bed->headboard for a double bed, so if the kid doesn't destroy it, we're set for awhile. We're sticking with greens and yellows for colors right now since we don't know if it's a boy or a girl, and well, if we do, we probably won't tell anyone :p Plus I HATE PINK. Point to note people. It may be hard to tell from the pic, but the bed linens are a kind of pastel jungle theme. The elephant and giraffe squeek when you squish 'em too!

The fancy paintjob on the walls is courtsey of the previous owners of the house, it is also in the "kid's bathroom" across the hall from this room. Very cute, but I'm not sure how to paint over it when we decide to paint the room as the little bugs and flowers are slightly raised.

Here is a cockeyed picture of the change table. We wanted to add a few drawers to the room, even though there are a few built in. Now we're looking for a recliner/rocking chair for me to use in the room as we had to pull the futon out to make room for the crib (it was bigger than I thought).

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New things bring new fears

Well we did get out shopping this weekend, I'll get to that.

Saturday C went with his mom for the day, so M and I went out shopping. I was going to take him to see Ghostrider, but he was still too sick to sit in a theater for 2 hrs, so we went to ToysRUs which started the shopping idea. At ToysRUs we looked at baby furniture and strollers and baby monitors and stuff. Trying to get an idea of what each of us liked and didn't like. After digging through there and not being terribly thrilled at the furniture prices we decided to hit Walmart. We were able to find a compareable crib and changetable at half the price of ToysRUs. So, yeah, we bought them both. Then we had to call the mom-in-law to come with the truck to help us bring it all home. We also went to Home Depot while we waited for her to get a new light fixture for C's room (his is pretty much dead) and a desk lamp for his desk (I don't think there's enough light over his desk when he sits there for homework).

We still haven't really decided on a stroller other than we want a "travel package" (infant car seat+stroller) with BIG WHEELS. I never realized how much of an issue it would be until we started looking. Big wheels are much easier to navigate with.

Then M, the mother-in-law, and I all went to Red Lobster for dinner, and I had a whole plate of seafood! Well not counting the potatoes and veggies. I had a snow crab and king crab combo which was pretty good until I got about 3/4 of the way through and I started to get a bit overwhelmed. I managed to finish the crab and my veggies though. Figured I could leave the potatoes.

So Saturday was a really good day. Sunday, well it started to go downhill from there. We were all really tired I think from Saturday and we had the house chores to get started on. M was trying to figure out how to fit the furniture in the baby's room and decided we needed to move the futon out, so we got it out kicking up a lot of dust probably along the way, so M started feeling pretty sick again. We also had D pop over for a visit and to show us her latest company endeavor.

We wrote off the rest of Sunday relaxing and recovering. Monday the boys got back at the furniture and I got onto the dishes and other stuff. Finally got my elliptical trainer together! Then when they finished all the stuff in the baby's room I went up to look and that's when it hit me. I'm having a baby? Can I really do this?

To top it off, I've recently been feeling really not pregnant. The baby has been pretty quiet the past week, no more fluttering birds. That gets me concerned, even though everything I read says it could just be that the baby isn't in a good position for me to feel it at this point. D says I'm showing, but I still just feel fat. I mean, on Saturday I even got an old pair of jeans on, and zipped up. Granted they weren't comfy to sit in like that, and I did spend the day with them undone under a long shirt but it didn't reassure me.

We have our 18 week ultrasound tomorrow and I'm hoping that this reassures me for a little while again.

So yeah, I think the "I'm scared" has settled in with a vengence the past few days. I'm cranky, I hate the way I look and I want to cry and hide. M is being a sweetheart and trying to reassure me, and I love him for that. I don't want to make it hard on him, and I know I am with my crankiness. I snap at him, I snap at C, I snap at the dog. I just feel like such a heel.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Hello hormones

Yes, that's what this week has been all about hormones and stress. I'm not really sure which is pushing the other, but they're goin hand in hand this week. I'm crying at the drop of a hat, and wanting to scream the rest of the time. It's that whole saying "I have one nerve left, and you're on it", except that the whole world is on it.

Grey's Anatomy last night had me sobbing as usual, even when not pregnant, the show could get me teary-eyed, and especially this story line for some reason. It's gonna be hard to wait till next week to see what happens next.

Everyone at work is stressed and bitchy, welcome to grant time. Thank goodness it's a long weekend.

Speaking of the long weekend, what's keeping me going is that M and I are going to try to get out to see Ghostrider tomorrow and to go out for an early dinner together while C is out with his mom. But M is sick, so I'm not sure how well this is going to all pan out. I'm trying to grab the two of us time when I can. I know once the baby gets here it's only going to get harder to spend some quality time together.

Wish I had something better to chat about rather than whining, but apparently this is the whining phase of pregnany. Perhaps next week will be better? I can only hope so.

We have out 18.5 week ultrasound on Wednesday, that will be exciting for sure.

And I suppose one of these days M and I should get out and start looking at baby stuff.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

They got lucky

So, I didn't hang up on my parents on Friday when they called to wish me a happy birthday. They did at least start the conversation with "Happy Birthday" before going on about my sister's baby.

I took the day off Friday, and good thing too, I had one hell of a stress headache. Combined with still trying to get C to finish his homework from Wednesday *sigh* it wasn't pretty. I also baked a cake all before noon.

M took off the afternoon and brought me home a Snoogle! This is the most awesome pillow ever, not only for pregnant people, but anyone with back/neck/hip pain.


I slept Friday night with the pillow and woke up Saturday with no headache! And I haven't had one since. Worst thing is getting tangled in the pillow when I get up in the middle of the night for my once to twice nightly pee.

Went out Friday with the in-laws for dinner. I probably would have enjoyed it more if the food didn't taste like formaldehyde... I don't blame the restaurant, I blame my hormones and headache. I'll have to go back when I'm feeling better and try again. Early night Friday.

Saturday we did some chores and tried to go pick up the odds and ends we need around the house, light fixtures, bathroom fan. We thought we'd just hit Crappy Tire since we didn't need much and it's closer. Except when we get there they are renovating and we can't find a damn thing! So we give up and head home. M has a nap and C and I play WoW until it's time to get ready to go out to B&C's fondue party.

The fondue was pretty cool. Didn't quite get to see everyone I wanted to because we had to leave to get C to bed. Tried pineapple in chocolate... mmmm and someone brought sour jube jubes, even nummier! and no, not in chocolate, just plain.

Sunday was relaxed as I did laundry and played WoW for most of the day. We met up with my family for dinner and they were relatively well behaved. Only one set of eyeball rolling on the part of myself, my baby sister her "bf" and M that shut my mom down talking about the sister's baby.

And now back to work this week. Still crazy as it's grant time. Things should settle down in March, guh. And of course today the sun is beating in my window even with the blinds closed so it feels like it's about 25 in here. I'm totally going to be having to work naked this sumer.

Ooo and talked to T last night, who I probably haven't spoken to since her b-day in October. Very happy to hear from her, I was getting worried as I hadn't heard from her over the holidays when she was in town. Got that all sorted out though, an hour later we'd pretty much gotten each other caught up.

Well time to get back to work.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Doctor's appointment update

So, had my doc's appointment today. It's been a month since I was last there and I was quite relieved to hear that yes, there still is a baby in there. We found his/her heartbeat right away (~159bpm) and my uterus is where it's supposed to be for this far along (halfway to my bellybutton).

To top it all off, I think the baby is finally definately moving. Perhaps being poked and prodded at the doc's office pissed him/her off but there's been definate chugging/flapping/vibrating in my lower abdomen. To the point it's making me giggle with how annoyed it feels. I can't wait until it's definate enough that M and C can feel it as well.

Two weeks until the next ultrasound where we find out perhaps if it is a boy or girl, if the baby is cooperative and shows us its bits and pieces. :)

So who's putting money on the fact that instead of "Happy Birthday" tomorrow when my parents call it will be "N had a ...". I mean it's great and all that my sister is spawning on my birthday, but really, that's no excuse. Guess we'll see what happens.

I also have a chocolate fondue to look forward to on Saturday, I have the boys convinced to actually come with me, so the whole clan will be hitting B&C's place.

I'm taking tomorrow off, so I can relax, bake my own birthday cake (sigh) but actually I don't mind all that much, I have a ton of ice cream, so getting an ice cream cake might be rather redundant this year.

Well best pack up, day's almost done.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Changing permissions

Ok, just a quick note. I was messing with my comments permissions and changed the settings. Let me know if you are having troubles commenting.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Down down deeper

I know I need to update this thing, and I have thoughts and stuff rolling around in my head, just not finding a way out.

For example, where is this 2nd trimester energy burst? I have yet to see it and it’s kind of getting me down. Well seems today everything is getting me down. I also don’t feel like my stomach is growing and maybe I’m expecting too much too soon but still, I’m tired of feeling fat and huge and wish I actually looked pregnant. I have a doc’s appt this week and I’m hoping that we can hear the baby’s heartbeat clearer (I still haven’t heard it with the fetal heartbeat toy I got), and also ask the doc about this constant tiredness. One of the gals at work says I should get my bloodwork done again to rule out anemia, I think I’ll ask the doc about it just to be on the safe side.

I’d also like to feel a definite movement from the baby. I know it’s still early and I’m probably worrying over nothing, but this is me… I have trouble with the intangible, that’s why I’m a scientist. And until this baby starts kickin up a storm, or I finally develop a tummy that my own husband recognizes as pregnant I just don’t feel it. The only sign I have is not having a period since October. Hell, sometimes I feel like putting on my old jeans just to see if I’ve outgrown ‘em yet. I’ve been wearing my maternity pants because they are more comfortable on my stomach as I seem to be more bloated with gas than anything else. I spend my evenings burping like crazy no matter what I eat, and it seems the only way to stop it, is to keep snacking… but I don’t want to do that either for fear of packing on 80lbs like my cousin did.

I think the other reason I’m down is my birthday is on Friday. The only message I get from my parents is when I sent them a cute picture of a puppy on toast and my mom writes back to ask if I have any “birthday plans yet” and maybe dinner on Sunday? I mean that’s what I was expecting, but my birthday is Friday for pete’s sake. I’m trying not to get to down on it since it’s probably just that my baby sister can’t make Friday night and not that my parents are so wrapped up in my other sister having her baby Friday as well that my birthday is on the backburner. I’m too used to being put on the backburner with my mother. It’s frustrating.

I suppose on the positive side, it frees me up to spend Friday with my boys.