We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Doctor's appointment update

So, had my doc's appointment today. It's been a month since I was last there and I was quite relieved to hear that yes, there still is a baby in there. We found his/her heartbeat right away (~159bpm) and my uterus is where it's supposed to be for this far along (halfway to my bellybutton).

To top it all off, I think the baby is finally definately moving. Perhaps being poked and prodded at the doc's office pissed him/her off but there's been definate chugging/flapping/vibrating in my lower abdomen. To the point it's making me giggle with how annoyed it feels. I can't wait until it's definate enough that M and C can feel it as well.

Two weeks until the next ultrasound where we find out perhaps if it is a boy or girl, if the baby is cooperative and shows us its bits and pieces. :)

So who's putting money on the fact that instead of "Happy Birthday" tomorrow when my parents call it will be "N had a ...". I mean it's great and all that my sister is spawning on my birthday, but really, that's no excuse. Guess we'll see what happens.

I also have a chocolate fondue to look forward to on Saturday, I have the boys convinced to actually come with me, so the whole clan will be hitting B&C's place.

I'm taking tomorrow off, so I can relax, bake my own birthday cake (sigh) but actually I don't mind all that much, I have a ton of ice cream, so getting an ice cream cake might be rather redundant this year.

Well best pack up, day's almost done.

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