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Monday, February 26, 2007

Obgyn update

So, we had our first Ob/Gyn appointment today. Talk about chaos. The woman was tied up with a c-section so all her morning appointments were delayed. Then we finally got to see her and whooosh! off she goes to it sounded like 3 women in labor. She seemed like a nice lady, quick and to the point. I miss my regular doc, but I understand she's a lot more qualified in the baby sense.

The baby's heartrate this morning was 151bpm and it only took the doc 30 seconds to find it. She said the baby was moving around quite a bit this morning, but I'm still not feeling too much. I really hope that changes.

I'm also trying not to get too hung up on the weight gain issue, but I hate the fact that they weigh you every time you go in there. I'm up about 3kg from my initial appointment weight back in November. Mental note, just add more veggies ;) maybe that will make me feel a bit better.

The other nice thing, is that my blood pressure is down from my normal "doctor's office" blood pressure.

I have a new belly pic, but it's at home, so it will follow another day.

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