We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Meh just nothin much new

So here's a rather blurry pic of my 19 week tummy. I don't think it looks like much, but M says it's "popped out" in the last week. Oh and like my PJ's? M bought 'em for me for Christmas!

Nothin much in the news really, I still haven't felt much movement from the baby, but who knows, maybe he/she kicks the heck out of me when I'm sleeping. Speaking of sleeping, I went to bed last night around 9:30-10 and when I got up I was still so exhausted I called into work and crawled back into bed until almost 11am this morning. I assume that means the baby is growing or something, because I really haven't done anything to justify needing that much sleep all of a sudden.

Today I'm just generally kind of down, not majorly down, just slightly... so here's nother pic to cheer you all up. It's Bear! I was messing around with the camera, and he normally loves to pose for it, this time M made some noise and Bear turned toward him and I captured him with his eyes closed!

1 comment:

Taryn said...

See how your waist is no longer really evident in the front - that means you're pregnant. So it is showing. And it is definitely rounder that the last time I saw! :) And hey, who really wants a kicky baby - I hear it can hurt like crazy sometimes. :) I know you have had some D time recently, but perhaps you need some YaYa time again. Time to get you out and do some girly things. Anyway, I am glad that things are going mostly well for you. How's the Snoogle working out? I haven't bought one... yet. I am still thinking about it. Anyway, take care.

PS loves the pjs - so cute!