We're pregnant!


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Monday, February 05, 2007

Down down deeper

I know I need to update this thing, and I have thoughts and stuff rolling around in my head, just not finding a way out.

For example, where is this 2nd trimester energy burst? I have yet to see it and it’s kind of getting me down. Well seems today everything is getting me down. I also don’t feel like my stomach is growing and maybe I’m expecting too much too soon but still, I’m tired of feeling fat and huge and wish I actually looked pregnant. I have a doc’s appt this week and I’m hoping that we can hear the baby’s heartbeat clearer (I still haven’t heard it with the fetal heartbeat toy I got), and also ask the doc about this constant tiredness. One of the gals at work says I should get my bloodwork done again to rule out anemia, I think I’ll ask the doc about it just to be on the safe side.

I’d also like to feel a definite movement from the baby. I know it’s still early and I’m probably worrying over nothing, but this is me… I have trouble with the intangible, that’s why I’m a scientist. And until this baby starts kickin up a storm, or I finally develop a tummy that my own husband recognizes as pregnant I just don’t feel it. The only sign I have is not having a period since October. Hell, sometimes I feel like putting on my old jeans just to see if I’ve outgrown ‘em yet. I’ve been wearing my maternity pants because they are more comfortable on my stomach as I seem to be more bloated with gas than anything else. I spend my evenings burping like crazy no matter what I eat, and it seems the only way to stop it, is to keep snacking… but I don’t want to do that either for fear of packing on 80lbs like my cousin did.

I think the other reason I’m down is my birthday is on Friday. The only message I get from my parents is when I sent them a cute picture of a puppy on toast and my mom writes back to ask if I have any “birthday plans yet” and maybe dinner on Sunday? I mean that’s what I was expecting, but my birthday is Friday for pete’s sake. I’m trying not to get to down on it since it’s probably just that my baby sister can’t make Friday night and not that my parents are so wrapped up in my other sister having her baby Friday as well that my birthday is on the backburner. I’m too used to being put on the backburner with my mother. It’s frustrating.

I suppose on the positive side, it frees me up to spend Friday with my boys.


kingsten said...

If you're 18 or older, my blog may be of interest to you!

Taryn said...

I know it's your birthday on Friday and I was going to surprise you with some really funny email, (and I still will, despite it not being a surprise anymore) cause I still luvs you. And I can tell that you are preggers and not just lumpy and the rest of YaYa could tell. Don't let it get you down that you are not being like so-called typical pregnancies - you are not typical (thank god!) and you are having a child with M and so that makes the child doubly unique and on its own timetable. Maybe it's feeling performance anxiety - feeling the pressure to preform and thus doesn't cause it fears it won't be enough. :) You are seeing the doctor regularily - nothing weird is happening - all is good. With pregnancy, as with life with a child, all you can do is take one day at a time.

Happy Early Birthday. :)

Irrylyn said...

Heh, thanks for the good thoughts. I don't know how this kingsten person got in, now I have to check my security settings again.