We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

They got lucky

So, I didn't hang up on my parents on Friday when they called to wish me a happy birthday. They did at least start the conversation with "Happy Birthday" before going on about my sister's baby.

I took the day off Friday, and good thing too, I had one hell of a stress headache. Combined with still trying to get C to finish his homework from Wednesday *sigh* it wasn't pretty. I also baked a cake all before noon.

M took off the afternoon and brought me home a Snoogle! This is the most awesome pillow ever, not only for pregnant people, but anyone with back/neck/hip pain.


I slept Friday night with the pillow and woke up Saturday with no headache! And I haven't had one since. Worst thing is getting tangled in the pillow when I get up in the middle of the night for my once to twice nightly pee.

Went out Friday with the in-laws for dinner. I probably would have enjoyed it more if the food didn't taste like formaldehyde... I don't blame the restaurant, I blame my hormones and headache. I'll have to go back when I'm feeling better and try again. Early night Friday.

Saturday we did some chores and tried to go pick up the odds and ends we need around the house, light fixtures, bathroom fan. We thought we'd just hit Crappy Tire since we didn't need much and it's closer. Except when we get there they are renovating and we can't find a damn thing! So we give up and head home. M has a nap and C and I play WoW until it's time to get ready to go out to B&C's fondue party.

The fondue was pretty cool. Didn't quite get to see everyone I wanted to because we had to leave to get C to bed. Tried pineapple in chocolate... mmmm and someone brought sour jube jubes, even nummier! and no, not in chocolate, just plain.

Sunday was relaxed as I did laundry and played WoW for most of the day. We met up with my family for dinner and they were relatively well behaved. Only one set of eyeball rolling on the part of myself, my baby sister her "bf" and M that shut my mom down talking about the sister's baby.

And now back to work this week. Still crazy as it's grant time. Things should settle down in March, guh. And of course today the sun is beating in my window even with the blinds closed so it feels like it's about 25 in here. I'm totally going to be having to work naked this sumer.

Ooo and talked to T last night, who I probably haven't spoken to since her b-day in October. Very happy to hear from her, I was getting worried as I hadn't heard from her over the holidays when she was in town. Got that all sorted out though, an hour later we'd pretty much gotten each other caught up.

Well time to get back to work.


Taryn said...

Oh Oh Oooohhhhh - I want a snoogle. That looks soooo comfy, even for us not pregnant people and it looks so long - I soooo need something better than the body pillows that seem to end up flat within a month of use.

I am glad that things seem to be going fairly well. It was great to see you on Sat, even if you had to leave early.

Oh - my goodness, I bought a new cd set of the 80's and did you know that Kate Bush sang a song called Babooshka? This is a very odd mix of music.

Anyway, happy belated b-day wishes, though I have now covered early, on time and belated wishes... hmmm, you thinks I wish you a great time or something, eh? :) Heehee

Irrylyn said...

You should totally make D buy you one. They're $60 but so worth it!