We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Monday, April 24, 2006

Holding pattern and time off

So we sit... and wait until the ortho doc comes in today. Well my mom and dad sit and wait, I'm here at home on my own doctor prescribed stress leave for a few days. Although I have to say the vertigo episodes seem to be lessening (cross your fingers that I haven't just jinxed myself) so I hope I can get back on my motorbike... I'm going through withdrawl.

So on my stress leave today :) I have scheduled:
Drop kidlet off at dayhome
Take car in for estimate on brakes
Avoid heart attack when hearing price for brake repair (just speculating)
Beg hubby to pay for brake repair
Pick up car
Wait for kidlet to walk home from school (I gave him 25 mins before I start walking to meet him)
Maybe in there play some World of Warcrack

Apparently I have a hard time relaxing... go figure... I'll try not to do too much... but I hate just sitting around.

Kidlet's soccer practices/games start tonight, yikes. These poor kids, they're talking 6-8pm. When are they supposed to do homework? and sleep? Ours gets ready for bed at 8pm and it's still hard to get him up at 7am the next day.

So looks like I'll need to have supper added to my list so when they get home they can eat while I go take care of the mom's dogs (which I have been doing nightly while dad is in hospital)

Oop, dryer's done (thank goodness it doesn't buzz) :) I'm off to flip laundry, and then maybe a bit of WOW... yes that's it... WOW then take the car in

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