We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ok, I now understand why C writes her blog in a word processor and then uploads it. BLOGGER ATE MY ENTRY YESTERDAY DAMMIT! And I was so annoyed I said screw it and left it.

So today! I am writing in my crappy copy of Works (cause I’m too cheap to buy Word and it was free with the comp) and gonna try to upload it like the wise and wonderful C.

So, dad’s in a holding pattern. He is progressively improving, slowly, but improving. From talking to mom last night they’re going to start him on the blood thinner pills and wean him off the heparin so he can go home to wait for his cardiac procedure to close the hole in his heart (May 15ish for pete’s sake!) I suppose he would be more comfortable at home, but my mom and I are both a bit paranoid about his breathing. I want his oxygen levels over 95% without supplemented oxygen. Monday morning’s numbers weren’t that great (92%) I think with no oxygen overnight, so maybe by the time the thinners are stabilized so will his oxygen intake.

I’m on leave from work for a few days… I’ve been having these bouts of vertigo for the past 2 weeks with numbness in my tongue and lips so went to the doc on Friday and he ran the gamut of neuro tests and had a bunch of bloodwork done. Will keep you all posted. I have an idea of what it might have been caused by, but want to talk to the doc first so you all get to wait to hear about my stupidity.

C started soccer practice last night. Man the kid is exhausted this morning. They practiced for 1.5 hrs which is a lot for a bunch of 8-9 year olds their first evening out. No major injuries, just sore muscles.

I’ve packed a few boxes for moving, trying to get started on that. Mostly just repacking properly the stuff we tossed in the garage to “show” the house. With that, I did hear from my agent yesterday, things look positive about moving the possession date of the new place up a day or 2. We should have a better idea in 2 weeks.

Got the car in to get the brakes, muffler and tires done. Ow. But money well spent, the little garage near here did a good job, and I felt comfortable dealing with them. The car should be good for the next couple of years, just needs an oil change.

I’m trying to find out if I can put some sort of appointment calendar or something on my blog, see the gals get together for “Ya Ya nights/afternoons” where we chat about everything and nothing and generally blow off steam and get support from friends. But ladies! We need to schedule this more often! So yeah, I’m looking for one, if any lurker out there knows of one, drop me a comment would’ya?

Ok off to call bathtub repair places (our bathtub is peeling!) and then for some WOW before I head up to the hospital for lunch with dad.

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