We're pregnant!


Funny ticker


Friday, April 07, 2006


Well things just don't slow down do they? My dad went in for shoulder replacement surgery yesterday. He's doing fine, but the hospital is doing the standard left hand not talking to the right hand and he was almost without any pain killers yesterday. Thank goodness the pain relief nurse came in while I was there for coffee this morning and he is hopefully going to be set up with a self-administering pump for morphine today. There's nothing to bring you down to earth faster than seeing your parent in a hospital bed. I've seen that too often in the past 6 months already.

On the house front. Wednesday night we went out to look at somewhere between 6-8 houses. They're kind of a blur to be honest. The only one that really stood out was in a very poor location so we passed on it. The other notables were:

1. The cat pee house! Listed by our old realator (scary) and we got no further than the front door before the smell bowled us over and we left before even taking off our shoes.
2. The house that was never cleaned. Other than the closet of a kitchen, that was the worst part of the house, these people didn't know what soap and water were for. White doors should not be grey with handprints when you're trying to sell a house.
3. The stinky curry house with way too many people living there. Again, would have been a beautiful house, but they had at least 2 families if not more crammed in there, and the curry smell just bowled us over.
4. The little bungalow in St. Albert. This one was a possibility, but I just found it too small/cramped for my tastes. The hubby really liked it and I felt bad saying I didn't. But we have to be honest with each other with this house thing so we don't end up in the situation we were in.
5. The 2-storey. The first we'd looked at. Was nice except it faced onto a really busy road, which shouldn't have been busy since there was an elementary school right across the road. It also had no fence, and the hubby's allergies to cats kicked in halfway through.

There were others, just not jumping to the front of my mind at the moment. I'm sure there will be more. And since we're now free to go "unconditional" ourselves, we are definately able to compete when we do find something nice.

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