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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Where'd the week go?

On the dad front:

He still wants to go home. I don't blame him. But mess ups abound. Apparently no one spoke to the cardiologist about this procedure until Tuesday . So finally they all get together just in time for my dad's ortho surgeon to go to a conference for the weekend. And apparently no one wants to do anything until he gets back. That's another week wasted. The cardiac guy is now talking mid May for this procedure? WTF? It's a 1 hr procedure, what's the issue. I'm frustrated that I'm just hearing this from my mom, but I know I can't sit in his hospital room to wait for updates myself. Damn control freak tendencies sometimes...

So here he sits, on heparin and saline, eating diced food (better than minced!) on his way to real food. Walking a bit with the help of a cane, as he's still pretty weak, but that reminds me! What the hell are the physio people doing working on how well he can walk? His legs aren't broke, it's his damn shoulder that's been replaced, geeze people grab a brain! His speach improves daily, I have every expectation that he will have full recovery, and perhaps if they every get this damn procedure done, we may prevent any more strokes from occuring.

On the house front:

Waiting to see if we can get a couple days ealier posession on our new place. Just enough so that we can move everything out of the old place and I can clean it decently. Granted why is it when you sell something it all of a sudden starts to fall apart? Here's a wierd one... our bathtub is peeling, yes peeling. Apparently the previous owner had it coated with something, and now it is peeling off the base of the tub. Grrrr, have to make a trip to home depot to figure out if it's a do-it-yourself or call someone in.

On the car front:

I think I need new brakes. My car is making a very annoying squeek for awhile now. Hubby hasn't been too helpful in taking it in for me, so I made an appointment with the little garage across the street to get an estimate on Monday. I really hope it won't be too expensive.

On the me front:

So with all the stress and chaos of the dad situation, I really haven't had too much time for myself. I went to the doc yesterday since I've had 2 weeks of "vertigo" now. Where every once in awhile it will feel like the world takes some time to catch up to my brain. Also a week ago, the tip of my tongue and my lips started getting tingly. Like I burned them on soup, but I know I haven't. So doc ran the neuro gamut and took some blood and gave me some time off. Maybe it's stress, maybe it's something more, we'll see. He told me to rest and come back Wed to see what the lab results pop up.

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