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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's a new week

I took 2 days off from going to the hospital to give myself a bit of a break. As hard as it was, and even tho I still feel guilty about doing it, I did get some rest.

I went for coffee this morning with my dad, he seems to have really jumped ahead since Saturday. He was able to sit up and have coffee with me, even though when I was done, he was more than ready for a nap since a Physio guy showed up at the same time to work on his shoulder.

I went back at lunch and dad was up in his wheelchair eating lunch by the window. He was even able to walk using his IV pole to stabelize him back to his bed after lunch. But again, poof, out for a nap. I know how he feels I did the same all weekend.

Physio people were supposed to return at 10:30-11ish but apparently they didn't show according to mom, so who knows when they will appear.

Also, another messup.. I can't believe this place. My dad has a hole in his heart that needs to be corrected. You'd think they might get on that eh? No. The main cardiologist guy was not informed I found out today. So we've wasted 4 days when my dad may have been able to have this done cause someone didn't tell their boss. FRUSTRATING! But I'm thankful to the stubborn doc yet again, cause she notified the proper people. Hopefully now someone will act on it.

Dad's been making noises since Sunday that he wants to go home. It's good incentive since he's been actually doing his speach therapy and trying to move around more. His speach is leaps and bounds better, most often we can understand him on the first try unless he's getting tired.

I'm having trouble getting motivated to pack for the move. It must be all the stress all at once because normally I would have the house half packed by now. Hopefully things will settle down and I can get more enthused. I'm excited for sure! Just overwhelmed I think.

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